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Checkout and deliver

The Online Bookstore offers:

  • Quick ordering process - complete your entire order in 5 minutes
  • New, used, eBook and rental textbook formats
  • An average savings of 60% off list price on Marketplace items
  • Ability to use approved financial aid to pay for textbooks
  • Free shipping on retail orders over $79 (exclusions may apply)
  • Sell your unused textbooks with our trusted marketplace partners - get a quote instantly.
  • Branded merchandise like clothing, hats, and more!

*If you're an on-campus resident, you can deliver your textbooks to campus.

Faculty Resources

Faculty members use the Bookstore's portal to submit their course materials in advance of each semester. Using this portal, faculty view the courses they will be teaching, select the materials they want to use, and see what costs will be for students. The portal also has an option to create coursepacks.

The Hill College Bookstore

The Hill College Bookstore, powered by TextbookX, operates completely online and can be visited at hillcollege.textbookx.com. Students visit the website to order textbooks, course materials, or branded merchandise and ship them to their home or to campus. Digital course material access is emailed.

Created in partnership with Akademos, Inc. and powered by TextbookX, the Online Bookstore simplifies the textbook process for students and professors while providing them with a variety of physical and digital textbook formats. If you need assistance in accessing your access codes or eBooks, view here.