Coronavirus Updates
Message from the President
Hill College continues to have no reported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at our locations. The College remains committed to assisting students with instruction and the necessary resources to help them through their classes in addition to supporting employees and their families. The safety and well-being of our students, employees and campus community are top priority.
With the spread of the coronavirus and to protect our college community, we will conduct all classes, 16-week and 2nd 8-week terms, including dual credit, online for two weeks following spring break, beginning Monday, March 23 through Sunday, April 5, 2020. We ask all students to regularly check their Hill College email account for program/course specific messages from their instructors as well as their Schoology dashboard.
During this two-week time frame, all locations are closed to the general public. Employees will be performing essential functions of the College and will be contacted by their supervisor.
We continue to use the advice and guidance available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), and local health agencies. The CDC has provided web pages with Prevention of COVID-19, which we can all follow:
- Wash hands often for 20 seconds and encourage others to do the same.
- If no soap and water are available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue away.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Disinfect surfaces, buttons, handles, knobs, and other places touched often.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Start practicing social distancing (avoid crowds – not more than 10 people, minimize physical contact, stay at least six feet away from others).
Over spring break, SSC, our custodial service, is performing a deep detailed cleaning inside each and every area on campus to include:
- Entrance/lobbies and public areas – disinfecting all interior and exterior doors, door handles/knobs and ledges. Deep cleaning all horizontal surfaces, floors, trash cans and furniture.
- Restrooms – cleaning stalls, floors, urinals, toilets, walls, knobs, handles and fixtures
- Classrooms/conference rooms/computer labs – carefully sanitize all desks and horizontal surfaces, cleaning ledges, sanitizing doors and disinfecting all furnishings
- Office areas – carefully clean all desks, chairs, floors and sterilize trash cans
- Hallways – sterilize floors, walls and water fountains
- Breakroom/kitchen areas – tables, floors, sinks, chairs and countertops will be carefully cleaned
- Locker rooms – disinfect all throughout the facilities
All college events, on or off campus, scheduled to occur between March 18, 2020 to April 5, 2020 are cancelled. This includes, but is not limited to, recruitment events, tours, student programs, performances, conferences and social events. We will continue to evaluate events slated for April 6, 2020 and beyond and will send communication as decisions are made.
We will continue to monitor the status of COVID-19. An update regarding college operations will be communicated by Friday, April 3, 2020. Please monitor your Hill College email, the Hill College website and social media outlets, as well as bookmark our Coronavirus web page for regular updates and useful information. These are difficult times for all, and I ask for your patience, as well as diligence not only to help ensure safety for all, but also that students are assisted to transition to an online format.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Good Morning Hill College Family:
With the recent news of coronavirus, it is important for us to be informed. When the concern of coronavirus was published, Hill College administration began communication with the Texas Department of State Health Services. TDSHS is a great partner to colleges and universities and provides relevant and up-to-date information from their agency as well as from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In the attached letter received on February 3, 2020, you will read that “the State of Texas encourages everyone to heed the advice of the State Department and the CDC and avoid travel to China”. In addition, we have been provided with the attached flyer for distribution to those who have concerns.
Hill College with the assistance of our custodial partner, SSC, maintain hand sanitizers throughout the various buildings, in addition to departments having hand sanitizer on desks and counters for student/employee/visitor usage.
Hill College maintains a Health and Wellness Services web page at:
On this website, we have included information regarding coronavirus with links to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ( as well as the Texas Department of State Health Services ( I encourage anyone wanting additional information to check these websites.
Any member of the Hill College community with questions or concerns is encouraged to contact me at or 254-659-7601.
Lizza M. Ross
Vice President of The Student Experience
Hill College
Message from the President for Employees
Hill College continues to have no reported cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) at our locations. The College remains committed to assisting students with instruction and the necessary resources to help them through their classes in addition to supporting employees and their families. The safety and well-being of our students, employees and campus community are top priority.
With the spread of the coronavirus and to protect our college community, we will conduct all classes, 16-week and 2nd 8-week terms, including dual credit, online for two weeks following spring break, beginning Monday, March 23 through Sunday, April 5, 2020. We ask all students to regularly check their Hill College email account for program/course specific messages from their instructors as well as their Schoology dashboard.
During this two-week time frame, all locations are closed to the general public. The Libraries and the Cafeteria will be limited to student use only. Employees will be performing essential functions of the College and will be contacted by their supervisor regarding days/times they will be needed to report to their offices to complete those essential functions. Staff are required to coordinate with their immediate supervisor if they need to retrieve items from their offices. Faculty needing to obtain items from their offices to work remotely for instructional purposes are requested to obtain those items on Monday, March 23 and Tuesday, March 24 between 8am and 4pm. All employees will be compensated for Monday, March 23, through April 3, 2020 and will not be required to use sick, vacation nor personal leave.
We continue to use the advice and guidance available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS), and local health agencies. The CDC has provided web pages with Prevention of COVID-19, which we can all follow:
- Wash hands often for 20 seconds and encourage others to do the same.
- If no soap and water are available, use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue, then throw the tissue away.
- Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Disinfect surfaces, buttons, handles, knobs, and other places touched often.
- Avoid contact with people who are sick.
- Start practicing social distancing (avoid crowds – not more than 10 people, minimize physical contact, stay at least six feet away from others).
Over spring break, SSC, our custodial service, is performing a deep detailed cleaning inside each and every area on campus to include:
- Entrance/lobbies and public areas – disinfecting all interior and exterior doors, door handles/knobs and ledges. Deep cleaning all horizontal surfaces, floors, trash cans and furniture.
- Restrooms – cleaning stalls, floors, urinals, toilets, walls, knobs, handles and fixtures
- Classrooms/conference rooms/computer labs – carefully sanitize all desks and horizontal surfaces, cleaning ledges, sanitizing doors and disinfecting all furnishings
- Office areas – carefully clean all desks, chairs, floors and sterilize trash cans
- Hallways – sterilize floors, walls and water fountains
- Breakroom/kitchen areas – tables, floors, sinks, chairs and countertops will be carefully cleaned
- Locker rooms – disinfect all throughout the facilities
All college events, on or off campus, scheduled to occur between March 18, 2020 to April 5, 2020 are cancelled. This includes, but is not limited to, recruitment events, tours, student programs, performances, conferences and social events. We will continue to evaluate events slated for April 6, 2020 and beyond and will send communication as decisions are made.
We will continue to monitor the status of COVID-19. An update regarding college operations will be communicated by Friday, April 3, 2020. Please monitor your Hill College email, the Hill College website and social media outlets, as well as bookmark our Coronavirus web page for regular updates and useful information. These are difficult times for all, and I ask for your patience, as well as diligence not only to help ensure safety for all, but also that students are assisted to transition to an online format.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Message from the President
Hill College Family:
Yesterday, the Hill College Board of Regents held a special board meeting in order to receive an update on our COVID-19 preparedness and altered operation efforts. The Board approved a Resolution allowing a delegation of authority and accountability expectations to me, as Hill College President, during the COVID-19 emergency situation. I urge you to review the information regarding COVID-19 that may be found at the Hill College COVID-19 webpage, link:
The Regents and I would like to convey to our employees and students that they are proud of the work and commitment that has been shown during the pandemic.
Hill College understands that these are unprecedented times, and with that being said, listed below are my main objectives:
- To protect the health and safety of our students and employees
- To continue assisting our students for the completion of the spring 2020 semester through online and alternative coursework
- To keep students on track for completion
- To enable the majority of the College employees to work remotely, while continuing to provide necessary services to our students, with the remainder of our employees working on site; and
- To retain full-time and part-time employees, reduce turnover, increase morale, and facilitate a prompt future return to normal College operations
My last communication to you indicated that the College would be closed to the public and not reopen until April 6. Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout Texas, the President’s extension of the CDC guidelines until April 30, 2020, and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order to close public schools until May 4, 2020, Hill College offices will be closed to the public until further notice. Employees who have been deemed as performing essential functions will be notified, approved and scheduled by their supervisors to be on a campus/center.
All college events, on or off campus, have been cancelled through May 15, 2020. This includes, but is not limited to, recruitment events, tours, student programs, performances and commencement.
All Spring 16-week, 2nd 8-week, and dual credit courses will continue to operate through distance education through May 15, 2020. All instruction that can be moved online/remote/distance education should be moved.
Continuing Education courses will continue to be assessed.
We are currently registering for the May mini-mester and summer terms.
We will continue to provide online services for students, as we are committed to supporting you during this time academically, socially and in all aspects of your educational goals.
- Advising and Success Center: Your academic advisor and/or success coordinator is available virtually to support and assist you. To “meet” with your advisor, register or ask questions about registration, academics, education plans or accommodations, contact the advising team at
- Admissions: Our Student Information Services staff wants to do everything they can to help students apply and complete the admission process, request transcripts and complete the graduation process. For more information, contact the staff at
- Business Office: Please make payments online and communicate through email to the Business Office staff at
- Financial Aid and Scholarships: Student Information Services staff can discuss your options with you, including any financial hardships or changes in your financial situation. If you haven’t already, we strongly suggest you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the 2020-2021 academic year. We can help you determine what options are available to you through the state and federal government. And, don’t forget to apply for scholarships as well. Our application is online and available until June 1, 2020. Just contact Student Information Services at
- Tutoring: Hill College offers Smarthinking to all students through Schoology. Smarthinking is an online tutoring service available 24/7 for subjects such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, accounting, statistics, Spanish and writing.
- Health and Wellness: We know this time can be challenging and we encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices that support the student’s wellbeing. For resources, please see the Health & Wellness Services web page at:
Although, we are sailing in unchartered waters, we will get through this together. We will continue to reassess daily. From an instructional standpoint, we want to complete this spring semester, and work with students to enroll in the May mini-mester and summer semesters.
I appreciate the Board’s support and approval of the Resolution regarding various matters associated with the COVID-19 virus. This support is a direct reflection of their love for Hill College and the Hill College family. I could not be prouder of the work that each of you are doing and will continue to do during this COVID-19 altered operation period. Please know that we do not have all of the answers, and we may not get everything 100% correct; however, we are making decisions with compassion and concern for our employees and our students. We will adjust and change course as the circumstances change.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Message from the President
Hill College Family:
Yesterday, the Hill College Board of Regents held a special board meeting in order to receive an update on our COVID-19 preparedness and altered operation efforts. The Board approved a Resolution allowing a delegation of authority and accountability expectations to me, as Hill College President, during the COVID-19 emergency situation. I urge you to review the information regarding COVID-19 that may be found at the Hill College COVID-19 webpage, link:
The Regents and I would like to convey to our employees and students that they are proud of the work and commitment that has been shown during the pandemic.
Hill College understands that these are unprecedented times, and with that being said, listed below are my main objectives:
- To protect the health and safety of our students and employees
- To continue assisting our students for the completion of the spring 2020 semester through online and alternative coursework
- To keep students on track for completion
- To enable the majority of the College employees to work remotely, while continuing to provide necessary services, with the remainder of our employees working on site; and
- To retain full-time and part-time employees, reduce turnover, increase morale, and facilitate a prompt future return to normal College operations
On March 18, 2020, the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA), Public Law 116-127, 134 Stat 178, was signed into law by President Trump. The FFCRA includes paid leave for community college employees, in certain and specific circumstances, when affected by COVID-19 through the provisions in the Emergency Paid Sick Leave Act (EPSLA) and the Emergency Family Medical Leave Expansion Act (EFMLEA). The legislation is effective April 1, 2020 through December 31, 2020. Attached is information regarding FFCRA regulations.
Several questions have come up this week in regards to essential operations and availability to work. Included below is information that hopefully will be beneficial to you:
My last communication to you indicated that the College would be closed to the public and not reopen until April 6. Due to the increase in COVID-19 cases throughout Texas, the President’s extension of the CDC guidelines until April 30th, and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order to close public schools until May 4, 2020, Hill College offices will be closed to thepublic until further notice. Employees who have been deemed as performing essential functions will be notified, approved, and scheduled by their supervisors to be on campus.
All events on campus have been cancelled through May 15, 2020.
All 16-wk, 2nd 8-wk, and dual credit courses will continue to operate through distance education through May 15, 2020. All instruction that can be moved online/remote/distance education should be moved.
Continuing Education courses will continue to be assessed.
We are currently registering for the May mini-mester and summer terms.
Procedures for bill payment will include the following:
- Copy of the approved purchase order
- “Copy” of the invoice; and
- Invoice should be marked (a) ok to pay, (b) requisition number, (c) purchase order number, (d) date of approval for payment, and (e) signature or initials
During the current COVID-19 crisis, the Business Office will accept the above information in the form of an email addressed to Kim Loggins at
In keeping with the objectives mentioned above, I want to explain the College’s plans about payroll and compensation during the period of altered operations. First, the College is committed to payroll being processed on the regular distribution schedule. Our payroll is processed electronically and sent directly to regular employees’ bank accounts, which allows for on-time delivery.
Second, compensation during this altered operations period is intended to provide certain regular employees with their normal base compensation as described below. For compensation to occur, those employees must be Available for Work.
Definition of “Available for Work” is as follows:
- Working onsite – These employees will include select areas such as Student Services, Administrative Services, Instruction, Information Technology, External Affairs, and Human
These areas will be specifically requested, approved, and scheduled by a member of President’s Council to report to a campus/center.
- Working remotely – Employees must be responsive to calls, texts, and instant messages within one hour of contact; review and respond to emails; work with supervisor for assignments, project completion and accountability; and available for regular check-ins with
Availability to respond – If the case should arise that employees need to be called to campus, they must be able to arrive onsite within two hours of being contacted to report. President’s Council approval is required prior to an employee being directed to report onsite.
Full-time exempt (does not clock time) – Employees will be paid their regular monthly salary if they are Available for Work. Employees must be responsive to any emails, texts, and assignments. If an employee is not Available for Work, employees must use personal or vacation leave time. Sick leave can be used under the sick leave provisions indicated in the current policy found on the Hill College website.
Full-time non-exempt staff (does clock time) – Employees will be paid for 40 hours per week if they are Available for Work. Employees must be responsive to any emails, texts, and assignments. If an employee is not Available for Work, employees must use personal or vacation leave time. Sick leave can be used under the sick leave provisions indicated in the current policy found on the Hill College website.
Part-time faculty paid by the course – These employees will continue to be paid for current courses being taught. Per normal practices, courses that do not make will not be paid.
Part-time faculty paid via timesheet submission (credit courses) - These employees will submit a timesheet for processing pay as the pre-approved work, if any, is performed.
Part-time faculty paid via timesheet (non-credit courses) - These employees will submit a timesheet for processing pay as the pre-approved work, if any, is performed.
President’s Council or an appropriate supervisor’s written consent is required prior to any part-time employee performing work for the College that has not been pre-approved.
The following compensation provisions apply to part-time staff through this spring semester.
Permanent/Temporary Part-Time Staff (non-work study) – These employees will continue to be paid per normal practices, as the pre-approved work, if any, is performed (clocked hours).
President’s Council or an appropriate supervisor’s written consent is required prior to any part-time employee performing work for the College that has not been pre-approved.
Payroll will be communicating the details for entering time in ADP.
Employees must be responsive to calls, texts and instant messages within one hour of contact; review and respond to emails; work with supervisor for assignments, project completion and accountability; and available for regular check-ins with supervisor. If you need technological resources to work in this capacity, please contact your supervisor immediately. Failure to report technological issues in a timely and responsible manner will constitute not being Available for Work.
Although, we are sailing in unchartered waters, we will get through this together. We will continue to reassess daily. From an instructional standpoint, we want to complete this spring semester and work with students to enroll in the May mini-mester and summer semesters.
I appreciate the Board’s support and approval of the Resolution regarding various matters associated with the COVID-19 virus. This support is a direct reflection of their love for Hill College and the Hill College family. I could not be more proud of the work that each of you are doing and will continue to do during this COVID-19 altered operation period. Please know that we do not have all of the answers, and we may not get everything 100% correct; however, we are making decisions with compassion and concern for our employees and our students. We will adjust and change course as the circumstances change.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Message from the President
Hill College Employees and Students:
I hope this letter finds you safe and healthy. As we progress into the last two weeks of the spring semester, Hill College faculty and staff continue to ensure that our students have appropriate options to continue their education, while planning to safely return our campuses and center to normal operations in the future. I urge you to check the Hill College COVID-19 webpage for updated information at
A. REGISTRATION:Registration for the May-mini, summer and fall terms continues, thus I encourage students to register for classes. All services are being offered online, as staff are committed to helping students on their pathway. To register for class, contact the Advising and Success Center staff at
B. INSTRUCTION:In light of the continued concerns with COVID-19 and Governor Abbott’s Executive Order, the term dates and course delivery methods are listed below. As restrictions are lifted, we will adjust the class schedule to offer some face-to-face and blended classes.
- May Mini (May 18 – June 4, 2020) – online instruction only
- Summer 11 Week (May 21 – August 6, 2020) – Academic courses online; Career and Technical courses online as much as possible
- Summer 9 Week (June 8 – August 6, 2020) – Academic courses online; Career and Technical courses online as much as possible
- Summer I: 5 Week (June 8 – July 9, 2020) – Academic courses online; Career and Technical courses online as much as possible
- Summer II: 5 Week (July 13 – August 13, 2020) – Academic courses online; Career and Technical courses online as much as possible
- Continuing Education courses will continue to be assessed.
- Fall (August 24 – December 10, 2020) – courses will continue to be assessed.
Hill College offices will continue to be closed to the public until further notice. All college buildings are locked; therefore, students and visitors should not come to campus. Employees, who have been deemed as performing essential functions, will be approved and scheduled by their supervisors to be on a campus/center. Beginning May 18, essential functions will be expanded, approved, and scheduled by supervisors in order to be on a campus/center.
D. EVENTS:All college events will continue to be cancelled, rescheduled or conducted virtually. Students continue to check your student email and the college calendar for events, dates and times.
E. ONLINE SERVICES:We understand that online learning may be challenging for students, and our staff is here to help:
- Advising and Success Center:
- Admissions:
- Administrative Services:
- Dual Credit:
- Faculty: see syllabus for contact information.
- Financial Aid:
- Information Technology:
- Library:
- Scholarships:
- Testing Center:
- Health and Wellness Resources:
Thank you for your patience. We are committed to providing students with quality education, and we eagerly await the opportunity to come together, once again, in the classroom and on our campuses.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Message from the President
Hill College Employees and Students:
- Duration of pandemic remains unclear and possibility of resurgence is high
- Instruction, activities and staffing resumption will need to be gradual and phased
- Consideration of instructional programs with high touch, highly interactive settings with multiple risk factors for COVID-19 transmission
- Protecting students, faculty, staff and visitors of the college community
- Adherence to federal, state and local restrictions, requirements and health practices
- Wide communication to students, employees and the campus community
- The Governor’s Report to Open Texas by the Governor’s Strike Force
- Recommended Health Protocols for Institutions of Higher Education – Summer 2020
- The American College Health Association(ACHA) release of Considerations for Reopening Institutions of Higher Education in the COVID-19 Era on May 7, 2020
- The college may have to move back and forth through these phases’ dependent upon the current situation.
- Employees
- Facilities
- Instruction and Learning Environments
- Mental Health
- Residence Halls
- Food Service
- Athletics
- Wellness Centers
- Student Centers
- Communication Plan
- Travel
- Students
The dates provided in the below phases are target dates only and may change depending on the situation at the time. A phased approach will be used in determining who and what services to open on the college campus/center.
Phase I: March 23, 2020
- Training: KnowBe4 training
- Essential employees contacted by their supervisor regarding days/times they will be needed to report to their offices to complete those essential functions.
- Staff required to coordinate with their immediate supervisor to retrieve items from offices.
- All employees compensated for March 23 through April 3, 2020.
- Employees, working remotely, who need technology are issued what is available.
- All employees sent the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Texas Department of State Health Services (TDSHS) web page links as well as the CDC Prevention of COVID-19 checklist through President’s message, via email and posted to COVID and Health and Wellness web pages.
- All employees provided with the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (FFCRA) information and flyer through President’s message, via email, and posted to COVID web page.
- Additional professional development available to employees for COVID (i.e. JAM, NTCCC, etc.)
- Students notified through President’s message, via email and posted to the COVID web page that all 16 week, 2nd 8 week, and dual credit courses moved to online/remote/distance education
- Students requested to regularly check Hill College email account for program/course specific messages from instructors as well as their Schoology dashboard
- Communication to students about student online services and financial aid FAQs regarding COVID
- All facilities are closed to the general public.
- SSC, custodial service, performing a deep detailed cleaning inside each and every area on campus to include entrance/lobbies and public areas, restrooms, classrooms/conference rooms/computer labs, office areas, hallways, breakrooms/kitchen areas, locker rooms, etc.
- All college events, on or off campus, scheduled to occur between March 18 to April 5, 2020 are cancelled. Updated on April 1, 2020 as all events on campus have been cancelled through May 15, 2020.
Instruction and Learning Environment
- Academic Pathways: All courses/instruction delivered through online or distance education format.
- Career Pathways: Those courses identified to support programs for health-related professionals, first responders, transportation, and critical infrastructure technicians may be offered in-person but should do so in strict compliance with all applicable CDC guidelines. Programs must submit a Proposal for Small Group Instruction to the appropriate dean for approval from the Vice President of Instruction.
- Faculty request and receive permission to come on campus/center.
- Library has modified hours and restricted access to students and employees only.
- Small Group Instruction training and Evaluation checklist being tested by all instructors and students in approved small group instruction on campus.
Mental Health
- Mental Health resources for employees and students
- COVID mental health resources added to Health and Wellness web page
- Employee Assistance program, AWP, communicated to all employees via college email
Residence Halls
- Checkout LiveForm created
- Scheduled checkout process implemented with no more than two students during a time slot, with two hour time slots
Food Services
- Pick up food service for residence hall students only
- Cancellation of spring athletic seasons
Communication Plan
- Development of COVID-19 web page
- President’s message
- Communication through website, social media and employee/student college email accounts
Phase 2: May 18, 2020
- Training: SafeColleges training
- All employees are provided the CDC checklist and guidance to working on campus
- Essential functions expanded, approved and scheduled by supervisors in order to be on a campus/center
- Identified employees continue working remotely
- Students notified through President’s message, via email and posted to the COVID web page that summer and fall term registration continues
- Students notified through President’s message, via email and posted to the COVID web page the planned instructional delivery mode for May Mini, Summer 11 Week, Summer 9 Week, Summer I, Summer II and Fall
- Communication to students about continued student online services
- All facilities remain closed to public
- Student support services scheduled by appointment (i.e. computer labs, testing centers)
- Assessment of ability to maintain at least 6 feet between workstations/workers
- Assessment and installation of plexiglass barriers at high-visited areas
- CDC and other signage to be provided to each area
- Assessment and removal of chairs and desks to ensure proper physical distancing in conference and waiting rooms
- Assessment and classroom/lab modifications
- Hand sanitizers installed and placed mobile as available
- Sanitizing supplies ordered for individuals to clean work areas
- Have SSC address frequently touched areas
- All college events will continue to be cancelled, rescheduled or conducted virtually
Instruction and Learning Environment (May Mini/Summer I)
- Academic Pathways: For the first summer term, instruction should continue to be delivered via online or distance education to the extent practicable. For academic courses with required components where remote instruction is not practicable, such as instructional labs and clinicals (those identified to support programs for health-related professionals, first responders, transportation, and critical infrastructure technicians), programs may decide to offer these components in-person but should do so in strict compliance with all applicable CDC guidelines. Programs must submit a Proposal for Small Group Instruction to the appropriate dean for approval from the Vice President of Instruction.
- Career Pathways: All courses/instruction delivered through online or distance education as much as possible. The following programs have been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer face-to-face instruction by adhering to specified checklist requirements. Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Echocardiography, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Protection, HVAC, Industrial Maintenance, Nursing (ADN & VN), Police Academy, and Welding Technology. Programs must submit a Proposal for Small Group Instruction to the appropriate dean for approval from the Vice President of Instruction.
- Faculty request and receive permission to come on campus/center.
- Library has summer hours and restricted access to students and employees only.
- All programs requesting small group instruction must complete training prior to beginning instruction and evaluation checklist must be completed daily by all individuals prior to accessing facilities for instructional purposes.
Mental Health
- COVID mental health resources added to Health and Wellness web page
- SafeColleges training provided to employees
- Employee Assistance program, AWP, communicated to all employees via college email
- Additional professional development available to employees for COVID (i.e. JAM, NCTCC, etc)
Residence Halls
- Continue scheduled checkout process
- Consideration of summer housing for displaced students
- TACC release of athletic recommendations
- Creation of a COVID-19 athletic task force
- Creation of a COVID-19 Action Plan for athletics by the task force
- NJCAA approval of recruitment
Communication Plan
- Continued communication through website, social media and employee/student college email accounts
- Creation of signage
- President’s message
- Employee responsibilities to follow CDC guidelines
Phase 3: July 13, 2020
- All employees are requested to return to campus/center by this phase
- Continued dissemination to employees of CDC checklist and guidance to working on campus
- Employees self-cleaning their work stations (i.e. keyboards, phones, etc.)
- Students continue to register for Fall terms
- Communication to students about continued student online services
- Facilities remain closed to the public
- Student support services scheduled by appointment (i.e. computer labs, testing centers)
Instruction and Learning Environment (Summer II)
- Academic Pathways: For the second summer session, in addition to the aforementioned instructional labs and clinicals, programs may to consider broadening implementations of hybrid modes of instruction, where academic courses combine some in-person instruction with online or distance education components. Programs deciding to offer these components in-person should do so in strict compliance with all applicable CDC guidelines. Programs must submit a Proposal for Small Group Instruction to the appropriate dean for approval from the Vice President of Instruction.
- Career Pathways: All courses/instruction delivered through distance education as much as possible. The following programs have been approved by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board to offer face-to-face instruction by adhering to specified checklist requirements. Automotive Technology, Cosmetology, Echocardiography, Emergency Medical Services, Fire Protection, HVAC, Industrial Maintenance, Nursing (ADN & VN), Police Academy, and Welding Technology. Programs must submit a Proposal for Small Group Instruction to the appropriate dean for approval from the Vice President of Instruction.
- All faculty and courses will be prepared to rapidly move to online or distance education format if necessary.
- Library has summer hours but is adhering to all safe and health practices.
- All programs requesting small group instruction must complete training prior to beginning instruction and evaluation checklist must be completed daily by all individuals prior to accessing facilities for instructional purposes.
- COVID-19 athletic task force preparing action plan for preparation of the return of fall sports
Phase 4: July 27, 2020
- All employees working at a campus/center
- Continued dissemination to employees of CDC checklist and guidance to working on campus
- Employees self-cleaning their work stations (i.e. keyboards, phones, etc.)
- Students continue to register for Fall terms
- Communication to students about continued student online services
- Target date for facilities to open for operational purposes
Instruction and Learning Environment
- Academic Pathways: Same as Phase III
- Career Pathways: Same as Phase III
Residence Halls
- Enhanced cleaning of common areas
- Designation of COVID Rooms
- Training provided to all students
- Restrictions on events and social activities per current guidelines
- Restrictions on building access to residents and staff only
- Removal of lounge area couches
Food Services
- Cleaning between servings
- Designated serving times
- Individually packaged meals
- Social Distance between seating
- Extended hours
- Separation of employee and students with employees seated in Bob Bullock room and students in Cafeteria space
- Coaches and athletic trainers clean locker rooms, equipment, etc.
- Distribute adequate PPE
- Return of Fall athletes to campus
Phase 5: August 24, 2020
Instruction and Learning Environment
- Academic Pathways: Programs and courses transition back to face-to-face as it is practical to do so. The college will continue to offer courses in various modes of instruction (i.e. hybrid, online).
- Career Pathways: Programs and courses transition back to face-to-face as it is practical to do so. The college will continue to offer courses in various modes of instruction (i.e. hybrid, online).
- Courses scheduled for face-to-face instruction are subject to change to online in response to COVID-19. All faculty and courses will be prepared to rapidly move to online or distance education format if necessary.
Residence Halls
- Enhanced cleaning of common areas
- Designation of COVID Rooms
- Training provided to all students
- Restrictions on events and social activities per current guidelines
- Restrictions on building access to residents and staff only
- Removal of lounge area couches
Food Services
- Cleaning between servings
- Designated serving times
- Individually packaged meals
- Social Distance between seating
- Extended hours
- Separation of employee and students, with employees seated in Bob Bullock room and students in Cafeteria space
- R. 6201 Families First Act
- Review of state and county data
- Define hospitalization, deaths, cases
- Applied plans are subject to federal, state and local guidelines
- The institution will be flexible and ready to move between phases at any time.
- Employees will be prepared for rapid return to online instruction and remote operations should an increase in local infections occur.
Thank you for your patience. We are committed to providing students with quality education, and we eagerly await the opportunity to come together, once again, in the classroom and on our campuses.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Message from the President
Hill College Employees and Students:
We are looking forward to the end of the 2019-2020 academic year and the start of the fall semester. Our goal is to provide every student with the best education possible while following appropriate health guidelines for higher education.
At this time, our team has made changes to Phase 3: July 13, 2020 of the Hill College plan regarding employees. Below are the new guidelines until further notice:
- All employees are provided the CDC checklist and guidance to working on campus
- Essential functions expanded, approved and scheduled by supervisors in order to be on a campus/center
- Identified employees continue working remotely
Following the governor’s executive order on Friday, July 3, 2020 and effective immediately, face coverings must be worn in campus owned and/or operated facilities when in the presence of others and in public settings where other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain. Face coverings are still encouraged when practicing physical distancing. Face coverings must be worn outside if physical distancing is not possible. Face coverings must be worn in common areas such as classrooms, labs, lobbies/lounges, hallways and common area bathrooms when not able to establish 6-foot social distancing.
Everyone on campus must be dedicated to maintaining their personal health and the health and well-being of others. We appreciate your patience as we work together. Your support is appreciated.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
May 18, 2021
Dear Hill College Family,
As you know, we have maintained our current COVID-19 health and safety protocols to date, through the end of the spring semester and beginning of May mini-mester. At today’s Board of Regents meeting, the following change in protocol was approved:
Based on guidance provided by Governor Abbott’s office, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and local county agencies, Hill College will return to pre-COVID operations (Phase 5), beginning May 19, 2021. This means that students, employees, and guests will no longer be required to wear face coverings, practice social distancing, or adhere to restricted occupancy limits.
In Governor Abbott’s Executive Order GA-34, effective March 10, 2021, an “area with high hospitalizations” means any Trauma Service Area that has had seven consecutive days in which the number of COVID-19 hospitalized patients as a percentage of total hospital capacity exceeds 15%. Trauma Service Area M, which encompasses the Hill College service area, is currently reporting 2% hospitalization rate. Local COVID-19 cases have decreased significantly and counties are no longer providing regular, detailed reporting. College officials will continue to stay in regular contact with all local officials, as well as the Texas Department of State Health Services. If increases in infection or hospitalization rates cause state or local officials to change guidance and recommendations, Hill College will reevaluate our health and safety protocols.
At this time, campus sanitation procedures and availability of cleaning supplies and hand sanitizer will remain in effect.
The President’s Council and I care about your well-being and safety. Employees may contact Jamie Jaska at, students may contact Lizza Trenkle at, and athletes may contact Allan Dinsmore at for questions, suggestions, and concerns regarding COVID-19.
We have also included a few FAQs below to assist with some of the more common questions. We welcome your feedback.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
COVID-related Frequently Asked Questions
- What is Hill College currently doing to protect students and employees from the rising COVID-19 and Delta Variant cases?
- College officials are continuing to stay in regular contact with all local officials, as well as the Texas Department of State Health Services.
- Campus sanitation procedures and the availability of cleaning supplies, hand sanitizer, and masks remain in effect.
- Hill College encourages eligible employees and students as a matter of personal responsibility to consistently follow good hygiene, receive the COVID-19 vaccine, and stay home if you are ill.
- College officials are in the process of arranging a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on-site in Hill County and Johnson County with state officials. An interest poll will be sent out next week to employees and students. If demand is high enough to qualify the college as a site, one will be scheduled promptly.
- College officials are continuing to stay in regular contact with all local officials, as well as the Texas Department of State Health Services.
- If I test positive for COVID-19 or if I have COVID-19 symptoms, what should I do?
- Before arriving to work, employees should contact Jamie Jaska at
- Before arriving to any campus or center, students should contact Lizza Ross at
- Before arriving to work, employees should contact Jamie Jaska at
- I have been exposed to someone who is confirmed positive for COVID-19. What should I do?
- Before arriving to work, employees should contact Jamie Jaska at
- Before arriving to any campus or center, students should contact Lizza Ross at
- Before arriving to work, employees should contact Jamie Jaska at
- May I still wear a face covering?
- Yes, face coverings are optional at each individual’s discretion. However, please do not ask others to wear face coverings at Hill College.
- Yes, face coverings are optional at each individual’s discretion. However, please do not ask others to wear face coverings at Hill College.
- May I still maintain social distancing at Hill College?
- We are returning to regular operations. Classes, meetings, campus events, and other job activities will be conducted without social distancing. In situations and venues where individuals have the space to socially distance and would like to do so, each individual can exercise social distancing to whatever extent practicable.
- Are students or employees still required to complete the COVID-19 Daily Health Screening (Live Safe App) daily before coming on campus?
- No, completion of the Daily Health Screening is no longer required of students nor employees.
- Will Hill College require students, employees, or visitors to have a COVID-19 vaccine?
- Although the college will not require the vaccine for students, employees, nor visitors, we encourage all to protect themselves by receiving the vaccine if they so desire. All constituents are strongly encouraged to visit with your healthcare provider about receiving the COVID-19 vaccine. The following link to the Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Availability webpage provides an up-to-date listing of vaccine availability:
January 10, 2022
Dear Hill College Family,
Based on guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on December 27, 2021, Hill College is revising COVID protocol beginning January 10, 2022. This means that students and employees will be required to adhere to the following:
If You Test Positive for COVID-19 (Isolate) | |
Everyone, regardless of vaccination status | Stay home for 5 days from date of test. |
If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can return to campus. | |
Recommended that you continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. | |
If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves. | |
If You Were Exposed to Someone with COVID-19 (Quarantine) | |
If you: | Recommended that you wear a mask around others for 10 days from date of exposure. |
Have been boosted | Test on day 5, if possible. |
OR | |
Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine within the last 6 months | |
OR | If you develop symptoms, get a test and stay home. |
Complete the primary series of J&J vaccine within the last two months | |
If you: | |
Completed the primary series of Pfizer or Moderna vaccine over 6 months ago and are not boosted | Stay home for 5 days from date of exposure. After that, it is recommended that you continue to wear a mask around others for 5 additional days. |
OR | Test on day 5, if possible. |
Completed the primary series of J&J over 2 months ago and are not boosted | |
OR | If you develop symptoms, get a test and say home. |
Are unvaccinated |
College officials will continue to stay in regular contact with all local officials, as well as the Texas Department of State Health Services. If significant changes in infection or hospitalization rates cause state or local officials to change guidance and recommendations, Hill College will reevaluate our health and safety protocols. At this time, campus sanitation procedures and availability of cleaning supplies, masks, and hand sanitizer will remain in effect.
The President’s Council and I care about your well-being and safety. Employees may contact Tamy Rogers at, students may contact Lizza Ross at, and athletes may contact Allan Dinsmore at for questions, suggestions, and concerns regarding COVID-19. We welcome your feedback.
Pam Boehm, Ed.D.
Campus Memo
To: Hill College Employees
From: Dr. Thomas Mills, President
Date: September 19, 2022
Re: COVID Protocol Update
Based on guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Hill College is revising its COVID protocol effective, September 19, 2022. This means that students and employees are required to adhere to the following:
If You Test Positive for COVID-19 (Regardless of Vaccination Status):
- Stay home for 5 days from date of test. Please report positive tests to the college as soon as possible. Employees should report positive COVID tests to Human Resources Executive Director, Tamy Rogers, at Students should report positive COVID tests to Vice President of The Student Experience, Lizza Ross, at
- If you have no symptoms or your symptoms are resolving after 5 days, you can return to campus.
- If you have a fever, continue to stay home until your fever resolves.
If You Were Exposed to COVID-19:
- You no longer need to report exposures to COVID-19 to the college.
- It is recommended that you wear a mask as soon as you find out you were exposed and watch for symptoms.
- If you develop symptoms, it is recommended you isolate immediately, get tested, and stay home until you know the result.
Employees may contact Tamy Rogers at and students may contact Lizza Ross at for questions, suggestions, and concerns regarding COVID-19.
Dr. Thomas Mills, President
O: 254-659-7501
COVID-19 Cases at Hill College
Hill College will have direct communication with faculty, staff and students who have tested positive to help them through this challenging time. Additionally, the college and associated health officials will work diligently to identify and inform all individuals who may have been in contact with Hill College community members confirmed with COVID-19 to assist in preventing and minimizing the spread of this disease. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention guidelines will be followed for notification purposes.
Please continue to use the Hill College Coronavirus website as a centralized resource for college related information.
As part of Clery Act requirements for all colleges and universities, Hill College is required to post a notification for students and employees. See the below table:
Covid-19 Notification
Faculty/Staff | Students | Total | |
Reported Cases | 67 | 66 |
133 |
Burleson Center | 2 | 5 | |
Career Technical Center | 5 | 5 | |
Hill County Campus | 33 | 31 | |
Johnson County Campus | 27 | 25 | |
Active Cases | 1 | 1 | 2 |
Burleson Center | 0 | 0 | |
Career Technical Center | 0 | 0 | |
Hill County Campus | 0 | 0 | |
Johnson County Campus | 1 | 1 |
Coronavirus Resources
Students may contact the Office of Student Information Services and communicate with a Student Navigator or Loan Coordinator regarding financial aid. Students may call the Hill County Campus at 254-659-7600 or Johnson County Campus at 817-760-5600 or email questions to
Enrollment prior to spring break:
- Students, who were enrolled prior to Hill College’s spring break (3/16-20) AND who will continue their spring 2020 classes with an online format, will not see any change to their financial aid awards.
Changes to enrollment after spring break:
- IF a student decides to withdraw from some courses but NOT ALL courses, there is no change to the financial aid awards. However, it could still affect Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards. You can review the SAP standards on the Hill College web site.
- IF a student chooses to resign from ALL courses, then the Return to Title IV calculation is still required. This will require a calculation to determine how much aid a student earned as of the date the student resigned from Hill College.
2nd 8 week courses:
- If a student enrolled in a 2nd 8 week class prior to spring break and now wishes to DROP that course, the financial aid tied to those hours of enrollment will be returned to the Department of Education. Since the student did not begin attendance in that class, the student is not eligible for those funds.
- If a student enrolled in a 2nd 8 week class that has changed from face-to-face to online, the student must begin attendance in that class immediately upon the online instruction being available to the student. Instructors will still be required to report who has begun attendance for each online course. Please see the syllabus and reference Brightspace for each of your courses to know what is required of you in the online environment.
Students that were participating in the State or Federal Work-Study program prior to Hill College’s Spring break (3/16-20) will be eligible to receive wages for hours they are scheduled to work going forward. Students will not enter time into ADP and time sheets will not be required to be signed by students. Supervisors will provide the “scheduled” hours of each student and approve the “scheduled” hours within ADP. This will be provided to the Office of Student Information Services to process with Human Resources for payroll. If a student drops below half time enrollment status or resigns from Hill College before the end of the spring 2020 semester, work-study payments will cease as you will no longer be eligible for the program. For additional work-study related questions, please email Delsa Copeland in the Student Information Services Office.
Hill College has made the difficult decision for classes to be held online through May 15, 2020. We will continue to provide online services for students, as we are committed to supporting you during this time academically, socially and in all aspects of your educational goals.
Stay connected to your resources:
Advising and Success Center: Your academic advisor and/or success coordinator is available remotely to support and assist you. To "meet" with your advisor, register or ask questions about registration, academics, education plans or accommodations, contact the advising team at
Admissions: Our Student Information Services staff wants to do everything we can to help you apply and complete the admission process. Our application for admission is online at We do not charge an admission application fee, but we will need your transcripts! Be sure to send official transcripts to the Student Information Services Office at Hill College. For more information, contact our staff at
Business Office: Please make payments online and communicate through email to the Business Office staff at
Dual Credit: Do you need to register or ask questions about admissions, registration, or academics for dual credit, contact the Dual Credit staff at
Faculty: Your instructors are available to provide assistance and answer questions. See your course syllabus for faculty contact information.
Financial Aid: Student Information Services staff can discuss your options with you, including any financial hardships or changes due to canceled courses. If you haven't already, we strongly suggest you complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid for the 2020-2021 academic year. We can help you determine what options are available to you through the state and federal government. Just contact Student Information Services at
Information Technology: Are you have problems connecting to Hill College wifi, student email or other programs? Let the Information Technology team assist you at
Library: Hill County Campus: Mon. - Thur. 8:00 a.m. - 8:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.; and Sunday 2:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. Johnson County Campus: Mon. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; Tue. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Wed. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.; Thur. 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.; and Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The Hill College Library system serves the students, faculty and community of Hill College through two campus libraries and a wide range of online resources. Please visit the website at: The Library staff can be contacted by email at
Scholarships: Don't forget to apply for Scholarships! Our application is online and available until June 1, 2020. For more information, contact staff at
Brightspace: For assistance with Brightspace, please do one of the following options:
Send an email to
Call 254-659-7834
Submit a help ticket to the Student Help Desk
Testing: Do you need to take the Texas Success Initiative Assessment (TSIA), but don't know how? Hill College is offering the TSIA remotely. To schedule your remote appointment for Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday at 9am or 1pm, just email
Tutoring: Hill College offers Brainfuse to all students through Schoology. Brainfuse is an online tutoring service available 24/7 for subjects such as mathematics, biology, chemistry, physics, economics, accounting, statistics, Spanish and writing.
Health and Wellness: We know this time can be challenging and we encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices that support the student's wellbeing. For resources, please see the Health & Wellness Services web page at: