Hill College Board of Regents April 2018 meeting summary
Hill College
Monday, April 23, 2018 1:05 PM
General Events
Hillsboro, TX
The Hill College Board of Regents regular meeting was held Tuesday, April 10, 2018, in the Hill College Board Room of the Hill County Campus in Hillsboro at 7 p.m. The meeting was called to order by Regent President David Teel.
The March 2018 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. Regent Dwight Lloyd motioned and Regent Dr. William Auvenshine seconded the motion to approve the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Vice President of Administrative Services Billy Don Curbo presented the March 2018 financial report. Regent Auvenshine moved to approve the report and Regent Vice President Bill Galiga seconded the motion. The financial report was approved as presented.
Burleson Collegiate High School (BCHS) Principal Rexanne Higgins and Counselor Cindy Alley gave an update regarding the BCHS students for the student success initiative report.
Hill College President Dr. Pam Boehm presented the President’s Report. The Boots and Suits Gala will be held Friday, April 20, at the Cleburne Conference Center. A board retreat will be held May 16 at the Hillsboro Historic City Hall. She attended the Hillsboro Area Chamber of Commerce annual awards banquet, the IKO ground-breaking ceremony, the La Moderna Pasta Company grand opening in Cleburne and the Plaza Theatre production “The Music Man.” The College recently hosted a safety forum, the first distinguished service awards lunch and a dual credit best practices meeting. Congratulations go to Aaron Warren, science lab specialist, and Christopher Andry, cosmetology program coordinator and instructor, as they are the recipients of the 2018 National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) Excellence Awards. Also, Brian Bennett, welding program coordinator and instructor, received the Howard E. Adkins Memorial Instructor Section Award from the North Texas section of the American Welding Society (AWS). Included with the President’s Report, Vice President Lizza Trenkle presented the second eight-week term enrollment showing an increase in headcount of 66 students from 555 to 621 and an increase of 5,280 in contact hours from 52,400 to 57,680.
Athletic Director and Head Rodeo Coach Paul Brown presented the Athletic Report. The baseball team is 19-16 overall and 10-10 in conference and currently in fifth place in the conference. Softball is 17-13 overall, 10-10 in conference and currently tied for fourth place in the conference. The rodeo team hosted a special kids’ rodeo and the annual home rodeo bringing 14 colleges/universities and over 400 student athletes to campus to compete. The men’s rodeo team won the rodeo and is currently winning the regional standings.
Curbo presented bids for consideration. Thomas Bus Gulf Coast was approved as the vendor for the 44 seat passenger bus for $128,700 which was approved at last month’s meeting.
Curbo presented for consideration of approval of 2018-2019 academic year tuition and fees to increase by $10 per credit hour, increase cable TV fee to $40 and developmental math lab fee to $24. Regent Jennifer Nowlin motioned and Lloyd seconded the motion to approve the increase. The motion was approved as presented.
Curbo presented a property bid for delinquent tax foreclosure of 605 Williams Ave., Cleburne. The financial net to Hill College is $137.41, the delinquent tax is $186.60 for a loss of $49.18 in revenue. Auvenshine motioned and Nowlin seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.
Vice President of Instruction Rex Parcells presented for consideration phase one construction of the new Career Education Center, Wallace Campus in Hillsboro to house fire training, criminal justice, information technology (IT) services, and emergency management services (EMS) training. Nowlin motioned and Auvenshine seconded the motion. The motion was approved.
Parcells presented affiliation agreements with Clifton Lutheran Ministries, Waco Heart & Vascular and Hill College Nursing program for educational clinical sites for consideration of approval. Galiga motioned and Auvenshine seconded the motion, and the motion was approved as presented.
Trenkle presented a memorandum of understanding with Catholic Charities, Diocese of Ft. Worth, Inc. and Hill College to establish a CCFW rural vocational program. Lloyd motioned and Regent Secretary Karen Brackin seconded the motion, and the motion was approved.
Director of Human Resources Jamie Jaska presented personnel considerations for approval of one voluntary staff resignation, one faculty appointment replacement and one staff appointment replacement. Galiga made a motion to accept, Regent Tony Marley seconded, and the motion passed.
With no further business to conduct, Brackin motioned to adjourn, Marley seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 8:51 p.m.