Hill College Board of Regents January 2019 meeting summary
Hill College
Friday, January 18, 2019 1:50 PM
General Events
Hillsboro, TX
The Hill College Board of Regents regular meeting was held Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019, in the Hill College Cafeteria of the Hill County Campus in Hillsboro. The meeting was called to order by Regent President David Teel at 6:54 p.m. for non-action administrative reports followed by the regular meeting at 7 p.m.
The November 2018 regular meeting minutes were reviewed. Regent Dr. William Auvenshine motioned and Regent Kent Eubanks seconded the motion to approve the minutes. The minutes were unanimously approved.
Vice President of Administrative Services Billy Don Curbo presented the November and December 2018 financial reports. Regent Dr. Allan Lane moved to approve the report, and Regent Bill Galiga seconded the motion. The financial report was approved as presented.
Curbo introduced CPA Dane Legg, of the Lott, Vernon & Company CPA firm, who presented the Audit Report for fiscal year 2019 as a clean audit with no findings for approval. Lane motioned to approve, Regent Tony Marley seconded the motion, and the motion carried. Dr. Boehm and the Board commended Dean Debbie Gerik and Curbo for their fine job in preparing the audit.
Hill College President Dr. Pam Boehm presented the President’s Report. Registration is underway for the spring semester. The December mini-mester session enrollment showed an increase of 69 students in headcount and an increase of 6,368 contact hours from last year. In December, the Vocational Nursing program graduated 13 students and the Fire Academy graduated two classes with 21 cadets. The Police Academy has full approval, and courses will be offered as early as March. The Burleson Opportunity Fund has been named one of 10 finalists out of 1,000 nominations for the Bellwether Award contest. Boehm along with Nancy Holland, director of community relations and Burleson Mayor Ken Shetter will present on Feb. 5 at the Bellwether Summit in San Antonio. Part-time psychology and leadership instructor Dr. Lonzetta Smith Allen has been named Adjunct of the Year by the American Association of Adjunct Education and will be recognized at the TCCTA Banquet Feb. 28. This past fall, The Johnson County Jumpstart fund has raised $33,000 and awarded 131 dual credit scholarships for the spring semester. The Communication team won two National Council Marketing and Public Relations awards for a presentation folder they designed and an issue of the Texas Heritage Museum newsletter. Dr. Jeremy McMillan, president of Grayson College presented about their journey with pathways and student success at the all-staff meeting on Jan. 4. The Go Hillsboro committee has developed an industrial alliance in partnership with Hill College, and there is discussion of adding an industrial maintenance program at the Hill County Campus in Hillsboro. Hill College, Hillsboro ISD, and Hillsboro Economic Development will be hosting a career fair for high school juniors and seniors at the Hill County Campus Jan. 23. Administration recently toured Kerr Middle School in Burleson with ISD and city officials and met with an architect and are in the process of developing a proposal for a renovation plan. Administration recently attended a SACSCOC accreditation meeting and learned that the college’s assigned vice president will make an initial visit in June. The compliance report is due March 2020 and the onsite visit will be Oct. 12-15, 2020. The College will host the North Texas Community College Consortium Instructional Innovation conference for faculty on Feb. 15 at the Hill County Campus.
Athletic Director and Head Rodeo Coach Paul Brown presented the Athletic Report. The men’s basketball team is currently 16-2, ranked 23rd in the nation and 1-1 in conference. The women’s basketball team is 8-9, 1-2 in conference. The regional tournament will be in Abilene the first weekend of March. Baseball and softball begin play in February. Rodeo is currently third in the region and 17th in the nation. Their first rodeo is Feb. 8-9 in Athens and then they will compete at the San Antonio Collegiate Showdown Feb. 10. The home rodeo is set for April 5-6. The volleyball team made nationals and ended up 11th in the nation. This was the sixth year in a row for them to win the regional tournament and one player was named All-American. Women’s soccer went to the regional tournament and one player was named All-American.
Vice President of Student Services Lizza Trenkle presented an affiliate agreement between Hill College Continuing Education Medical Assistant Program and health care facility Agape Internal Medicine P.C. Auvenshine motioned, Regent Secretary Karen Brackin seconded the motion, and the motion passed.
Under personnel considerations, Director of Human Resources Jamie Jaska presented personnel considerations for approval of one voluntary resignation of a student navigator. Marley made a motion to accept, Lane seconded, and the motion passed.
With no further business to conduct, Brackin motioned to adjourn, Regent Jolene Lehmann seconded, and the meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.