Hill College Board of Regents February 2020 Meeting Summary

  Savanah Allen
  Wednesday, March 11, 2020 8:43 AM
  General Events

Hillsboro, TX

HILLSBORO, TEXAS-- The Hill College Board of Regents regular meeting was held Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020, in the Board Room in the Hill College Administration Building. The meeting was called to order by Regent David Teel at 7:00 p.m.

The minutes from the January 2020 meeting were reviewed. Regent Dr. Allan Lane moved to approve the minutes and Regent Bill Galiga seconded. The minutes were unanimously approved.

Billy Don Curbo presented the January 2020 financial report.  Regent Dwight Lloyd moved to approve the report as given.  Regent Jolene Lehmann seconded. The financial report was approved.

Dr. Boehm gave the President’s report. The tentative date for the board workshop/retreat is June 4, 2020. If there is a need for a March Board of Regents meeting, it will be on March 31, 2020, due to spring break. The decision will be decided at a later time. The upcoming Board of Trustee Institute is on March 23-25, 2020. Regent Kent Eubank to attend. Dr. Boehm reminded the board of the upcoming Hillsboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet on Feb. 27, 2020. We hosted Leadership Cleburne on the Johnson County Campus as part of the annual Education Day sponsored by the college. The annual budget process has opened up for all departments with salary increases for faculty and staff placed at the forefront.  The HCC Foundation meeting was in January 2020. President Lynn Gray shared that there is outside interest in purchasing a portion of the acreage managed by the Foundation. Texas Tech is looking to expand offerings at Hill College with a possible education degree. Dr. Boehm met with Raise Your Hand Texas regarding Johnson County scholarships. She also met with Catholic Charities, hoping to expand to Johnson County to offer services to 25 students on that campus. Dr. Boehm and staff toured the former Kerr Middle School building in conjunction with the city and ISD higher education project. Burleson Collegiate High School (BCHS) will have 45 students receive their Associate Degree in May 2020. Go Hillsboro will host a career fair at Hill College on March 11, 2020.

Lizza Trenkle gave an Enrollment Update. We show a trend of students enrolling in 8-week courses versus the traditional 16-week courses, as well as increase of part-time students.

Dr. Boehm gave the athletic report in the absence of Athletic Director, Paul Brown. Forty-four athletes have been named to the NTJCAA Academic All-American Team.

For the Student Success Initiative, Dr. Boehm presented a video produced by Eric Larson, for the Middle School Initiative headed by Nancy Holland in Johnson County.

Jessyca Brown presented the SACSCOC Update on standard 7.2, which is the development of a Quality Enhancement Plan. Lauri Heintz elaborated on the QEP update. After review of data and various planning initiatives of the college, Financial Education has been chosen as Hill College’s QEP topic.

There were no bids to present.

Billy Don Curbo presented Consideration of Approval Property Bids for Delinquent Tax Foreclosures. Regent  Rick Sullins moved to approve. Lloyd seconded. The motion was unanimously approved.

With no opposing ballots, Dr. Lane moved to approve the Consideration for Cancellation of the Board of Regents Election and was seconded by Regent Karen Brackin. The motion passed.

Billy Don Curbo presented Consideration of Approval of Receipt and Release Agreement Regarding Fredricka H. Crain Trust. Lloyd made a motion to approve and was seconded by Regent Charles Bryant. The motion passed.

Dr. Kerry Schindler presented Consideration of Approval of Affiliation Agreement with Texas Health Care- Fort Worth & Hill College Health Science Department. Dr. Allan Lane made a motion to accept the agreement and was seconded by Regent Tony Marley. The motion passed. 

Lizza Trenkle presented Consideration of Educational Services Training Agreement By and Between IKO & Hill College CE Department. Lloyd made a motion to accept the agreement and was seconded by Brackin. The motion passed.

Jamie Jaska presented the recent Hill College personnel hires and resignations. Sullins made a motion to accept the recent personnel changes and Bryant seconded. The motion passed.

With no further business to conduct, Brackin made a motion to adjourn, Lehmann seconded. The meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.
