Hill College Performing Arts Series continues November 10 with the Tarleton State University Chamber Choir
Jessyca Brown
Friday, November 4, 2022 1:30 PM
Performing Arts
Hillsboro, TX
The 2022–2023 academic year marks the 29th year of the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series at Hill College. All performances are FREE to the public and are held at the Vara Martin Daniel Performing Arts Center at the Hill College Hill County Campus.
The first performance of the season, The Waco Jazz Orchestra (WJO), was held on October 6. WJO has featured guest artists over the years, including Grammy-nominated trumpeter Bobby Shew, percussionist Jerry Steinholtz, and saxophonist Chris Vadala. For this performance, Hill College Band Director Steve Hart joined the trumpet section of the WJO.
The second act of the 2022–2023 season is the Tarleton State University Chamber Choir and will be held on Thursday, November 10, 2022, at 7:30 p.m. This year's performance will feature the Fort Worth Symphony in a joint presentation of John Rutter's Gloria.
In February, in celebration of Black History Month, the Performing Arts Series will feature a musical theatre performance of “Unbought” on Thursday, February 2, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. “Unbought” is a music theatre piece featuring the dramatic stories of three African American women: Ida B. Wells, journalist and women’s suffrage activist; Sally Hemings, Thomas Jefferson’s slave and mother of five of his children; and Shirley Chisholm, the first African American in the U.S. Congress and the first African American woman to run for President. The title of the show comes from Shirley Chisholm’s memoir, “Unbought and Unbossed”; the music is from popular and folk traditions and works by African American women composers.
The final performance will feature the Three Quarters Fast Jazz Band on March 23, 2023, at 7:30 p.m. This ensemble is one of the most requested groups in the DFW area, performing in all the premier venues as well as being active in community and private events across Texas and bordering states. While the band’s main focus is performing traditional New Orleans jazz, they also play blues, country, and pop favorites as well.
If you would like to support the Phillip H. Lowe Performing Arts Series, you are invited to become a BENEFACTOR ($100), a SUSTAINER ($50), a PATRON ($25), or a SUPPORTER ($10). All support donations are charitable contributions. Your donation can be made by calling the cashier’s office at 254.659.7707 or by mailing a check or money order to:
Dr. Bradley Bolick
Hill College Visual and Performing Arts
112 Lamar
Hillsboro, Texas 76645
Admission is free.
For more information on the Performing Arts Series, visit www.hillcollege.edu/CampusLife/PerformingArts/PASeries