This course will provide the necessary knowledge and techniques to play the violin through diverse musical styles, including fiddle, classical, jazz, and mariachi. Students will demonstrate understanding of proper posture and bow grip, music notation, technical skills, and ensemble playing by performing alone and with others. No previous musical experience is required. Students must provide their own instrument, shoulder rest, method book, and music stand. All equipment will be available for rent or purchase at the first class and it is highly recommended that students use that opportunity to obtain the required materials. Please consult the instructor before purchasing any instrument online.
Method Book: Essential Elements 2000 - Violin Book 1
- HCC - Continuing Education - Suite 77B
Time: 6PM-8PM, Monday
Instructor: B. Henson
Job Training and Workforce Partnerships office
Johnson County Campus
2112 Mayfield Parkway
Student Center
Cleburne, TX 76033
Hill County Campus
112 Lamar Dr.
Cafeteria Building, Suite 77B
Hillsboro, TX 76645