Sigma Phi Omega
Sigma Phi Omega, the music club on campus is made up of all band and choir students. The club is involved in school-sponsored activities such as dances, student government and intramural sports. Sigma Phi Omega is one of the most active organizations on the Hill County Campus.
Hill College Players
The Hill College Players are an ensemble made up of students and faculty from across a wide variety of disciplines. The Players have a long history of producing quality theatre enjoyed by Hill College and the surrounding communities. Area schools have enjoyed Hill College Players’ productions of children’s shows, such as Puss in Boots for many years. Past productions include The Actor’s Nightmare, Pirates of Penzance, LuAnn Hampton Laverty Oberlander, The Burial at Thebes, Game Show, The Timid Dragon, and Macbeth. The Hill College Players produce at least three productions in Hillsboro and students are invited to direct, design, and, of course, act in any or all of these productions.