Senior Citizen, 55 or Older, Tuition Waiver Program

Program Purpose

To encourage senior citizens to continue their education and keep involved with Hill College.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Texas residents;
  • Enroll at Hill College, whose governing board has chosen to offer this program;
  • Enroll in a class that is not already filled with students who are paying full price for the courses (If the class is too small to accommodate both regular students and senior citizens, the regular students must be given priority); and 
  • Enroll in classes for which Hill College receives tax support (i.e., a course that does not depend solely on student tuition and fees to cover its costs).

New Requirements Fall, 2014

Senate Bill 1210 (83rd Texas Legislature, Regular Session) adds a Grade Point Average requirement for persons to receive continuation awards through the program. The Bill also establishes a Limit to the Total Number of Hours, cumulative, that a student may take and continue to receive awards through this program.

Award Amount

The maximum award is an amount equal to full tuition for the hours taken. No funds may be used to pay tuition for continuing education classes.

For More Information

Contact Kathleen Pustejovsky at or via phone at 254.659.7632.